Our school has clear processes in place that guide our approach to building strong relationships and supporting students to regulate their behaviour that supports their learning. The Student Code of Conduct aspires to challenge and support leaders and staff into consistently promoting positive relationships and behaviour as the foundation of our school and classroom learning environments.
We cannot achieve academic excellence and thriving assessment capable learners of high character without good relationships and positive behaviour. Our children have the right to feel happy, safe, understood, respected, included and valued. All staff should be proactive in promoting positive behaviour in the classroom, playground, and the wider learning community. This approach needs to be underpinned with the emotional health and wellbeing of staff.
We believe the development of a positive learning culture is essential if effective learning and teaching is to take place. Effective learning and teaching are dependent on the nurturing of positive relationships through the daily interactions between staff and students and between students themselves.
Connecting, emotional regulation and trauma sensitive strategies are built into our everyday practice to support positive relationships with our young people.
Our approach is founded on our school community's core values and beliefs of C.A.R.I.N.G

Our aim is to ensure success for each child by:
- Promoting a positive teaching and learning culture;
- Nurturing and valuing every child and developing a climate of mutual respect;
- Maintaining high expectations for all students;
- Promoting positive relationships and behaviour;
- Working in partnership with parents and external agencies to support all students;
- Promoting early intervention;
- Improving achievement and attainment;
- Demonstrating that relationships are at the heart of an excellent school.